Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion

Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion
PMLE Symptom Prevention! Click image to find out more and BUY!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

**NEW** Must Read Review!!! "AntiOxidant Lotion for PMLE Relief / Prevention " ***Updated links and Photots***

I am thrilled and oh-so-excited to review a new product that is the answer to the prayers of so many  Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) sufferers!  The developer of this new product knew exactly what we would be looking for since she herself is a PMLE sufferer!

As many of you know, the ingredient alpha-glucosylrutin (AGR) has been shown in studies to prevent or lessen the symptoms of PMLE outbreak in many sufferers.  Unfortunately, that ingredient was no longer offered in products in the US and was very difficult to find - and if you find it online, price and international shipping is a huge factor!

ALAS, I was contacted by the creator of this new lotion made by Shirudo...

This lotion contains even more of the 'magic' AGR ingredient than my beloved Eucerin Sun Defense Lotion!! As we know, this is such a hard thing to find!  There are not a lot of choices out there for those of us suffering from PMLE.... typically the most recommended solution is staying out of the sun!!  That is not an option for those of us who love the beach, enjoying an active outdoor lifestyle, playing with our kids at the park, going to the zoo, the pool, etc... Staying inside is not a practical solution! 

I truly believe this lotion will finally be able to provide hope and help to PMLE sufferers who don't want to avoid the sun completely! 

My First Experience:

I received this lotion in late July... just before leaving for a California beach vacation.  It was the first thing I packed.... so excited to test out this lotion containing ARG and Vitamin E.... the ingredients I've raved so much about for the past few years!  I discontinued all other 'prevention' methods I have discussed in previous posts (pills, other lotions, etc...), other than continuing to use SPF (Banana Boat dry oil spray) .  

I used the lotion as recommended: Before sun exposure and then reapplying every 2 hours while in the sun.  I also used it on my most PMLE-prone areas a few days before heading to the beach ... the idea there was to build it up in my system a bit.... not sure if it was necessary, but that's what I did.

I used SPF 4, 8, and 15 (so nothing above 15) while in the sun, over top of the Shirudo lotion.  I did not develop ANY PMLE symptoms while on my vacation and came back with an amazing tan!  I even experienced a slight sunburn on my chest are {oops!},which is typically the most prone to reaction,  and there was no outbreak at all!


Applies smoothly with no stickiness - feels like a regular body lotion 
Scent-free and soothing to the skin
SPF-free... allowing you to use your own favorite brand and preferred SPF 
About the same cost as any other high-quality lotion
NO PMLE symptoms while in the sun during my first trial use!!!
Moisturizing and nearly 100% natural and beneficial ingredients!

The only negative I could come up with was the slight yellow tinge to the lotion .... it should be noted that the key ingredient AGR is yellow, therefore a yellow coloring of the lotion is likely unavoidable!   It was not an issue while using it at all.  If I noticed a light yellowing on the edges of my swimsuit or clothing, it wasn't bad at all AND completely washed away in the laundry without any special stain treatment.  I only note the color because I don't want you to think it's going to be completely white - but I also don't want there to be a staining concern ... I did not experience any issues whatsoever ... even with white suits and clothing.

The lotion is available only online right now by clicking {HERE}.  

In conclusion:

I am so happy to have been made aware of this product and I was even more excited to share it with my readers and fellow sufferers!  I cannot wait to test it out even more in February when we go to Jamaica... that will REALLY be a good test!!  Winter/ Spring vacations is when my skin is the most prone to PMLE symptoms since I do not have a good base tan and my skin isn't used to the sun's harsh rays.  

I will of course continue to update my blog with how the lotion is performing during different 'sun experiences'.... but I have to admit I am totally sold already!  I love that I can choose my own SPF level (unlike with Eucerin) to apply over it and that the AGR ingredient is more concentrated in this product than the Eucerin Sun Defense (I'm basing that on the color and speaking with the developer of the product). 

Thank you for stopping by and I really hope to hear from readers who try this product!  I would love to know if it works as well for you as it did for me!!  :-)

Previous PMLE posts: