Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion

Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion
PMLE Symptom Prevention! Click image to find out more and BUY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Traveling cross-country is never an easy task (especially with me because I take basically my entire closet, try to think of everything possible little thing to bring, etc....) but doing it with a baby literally takes days and days to recover from. And I don't just mean the three hour time difference .... which does suck, but it's all the other stuff that goes along with it ... mental anguish (mine and Connor's), a destroyed / empty closet (again, mine and Connor's), a list of things to do a mile long (ok, this one is just me!) and a totally messed up schedule (sleep and otherwise) for the entire family!! The only positive thing right now is that we are dog-free at least until tomorrow, so that has been a nice break for Jamie and I (and the house!)

It's just now hitting me that Halloween is on Friday, which I guess means I should be buying candy. At least I've got Connor's Elmo costume all ready to go! I'm glad we went with a warm costume as it appears to have gone from summer to winter in the two weeks we were on vacation!!

Well, I'm off to call Chance school for a tour time and date (which I should have done forever ago!). That is hopefully where Connor will be going to pre-school when he's two .... which I cannot believe we are already planning for!!!

Once I get my life back in order I promise to post some of the best pics from our vaca!

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