Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion

Shirudo AGR Antioxidant Lotion
PMLE Symptom Prevention! Click image to find out more and BUY!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Update!! Spring 2015 Further Update! **2016 LINKS to Shirudo Purchase** Updated for 2016

****Spring 2015 update:  life is good and I'm still loving on my Shirudo lotion! It's gotten me through a JANUARY trip to Mexico..... No symptoms and great tan! And spring break .... Same result!  Thanks for reading guys!  Loving all the comments and success stories! :-) ***** 

So we are right in the thick of summer and I wanted to update you on my PMLE symptoms and the Shirudo Antioxidant Lotion + AGR that has accompanied me on our recent beach vacations!

We headed to the beach just after my last post ... so early in the spring for the sun to be hitting my body! lol  I have happy to report, again, NO PMLE symptoms!  We were in the sun every single day for 7 days and there was not a problem! :))  This was in Florida, however, and the sun wasn't at it's strongest (March), so it's not the best example of when I need the protection/prevention the most, but since it was early in the spring/summer season my skin was definitely NOT used to being in the sun which is usually when I have the most trouble!

Our recent travels took us to the beaches of Orange County, California... where the sun is much stronger... plus it was July!  Again, no symptoms... just so exciting!  I'm so happy to be able to enjoy the beach again without fearing the sand was causing/increasing my allergic reaction to the sun.  I would think maybe it was detergent used at the hotel we were staying at... maybe I was allergic to something in the sand?!  Anyway, that's all over now!  And with the disappearance of the Eucerin Sun Defense Lotion a few years ago I am SOO thankful the people at Shirudo came out with the lotion containing the magic prevention ingredient... alpha glucosylrutin.... AGR! YAY!

Guys, listen, I know the shipping to certain areas like the UK can be steep, but this bottle will last you a LONG time, especially if you only need it on the more sensitive parts of your body... AND if you are only using it while on vacation or in the sun for extended times!  I can't say enough!  Is "life-changing" saying enough?!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Updated for 2014: PMLE Prevention and Information! **UPDATED 2016 Links for USA/ Non-USA Shirudo Purchase**

Hello readers!  It's been a while since my last post ... undoubtedly it's easy for me to forget all about my sun-time whoa-is-me condition when we've had one of the worst winters the midwest and southeast has seen in years!  I'm well aware, however, that I have readers from every corner of the world who have stopped by to gather information and check for updates!

Let's start here:  I spoke to a representative with Shirudo, maker of the 'miracle' Antioxidant Lotion that many of us PMLE sufferers have bought, used, and loved the results.... and she assures me the lotion is on it's way back online!  They haven't stopped making it or forgotten about us!!  No judgement!  I, too, sort of freaked out at the 'UNAVAILABLE' status on the website!  So keep checking back for it to be re-stocked, and I will, of course, post on this blog when it's available again!
As of 2016 it's back in stock and ready to ship!!

I received MANY emails over the fall and winter asking if I have found any other lotion or remedy for PMLE ... specifically if there has been anything else, to my knowledge, created with the 'magic' AGR ingredient.  In short, NO!  And truthfully, I'm to a pretty content point in my research on this condition and how to prevent it!  With the mix of using this AGR lotion, sunscreen containing avobenzone (Parasol) and the occasional wide-brimmed hat for long days in the sun... I've hit a sweet spot with prevention!  And I'm soooo happy to have helped many of you, too!  I know many of us share the .... "If I hear, 'Oh, you must have sun poisoning' one more time I'm going to SCREAM" mentality... it's nice to know there are many of us out there, sun lovers or not, that suffer from this condition that even many doctors aren't knowledgeable about!

So that brings me to the current time.  We are leaving for a Spring Break the first week in April.  And while it's not super-south (think Florida Panhandle area) it is definitely the time of year that, in the past, I would suffer from the PMLE symptoms the most.  Why?  Being super-pale from the winter, having no base tan or natural protection from the sun's rays... that's the best I can guess.  Because we have gone on tropical vacations in late summer or early fall and the PMLE rash barely showed up, if at all, even before the Shirudo lotion!  I will certainly come back here with an update from that vacation.... just to share my most current experience.  

All this talk of sun and vacation has me yearning for it ... but, we are about to get pounded yet again with ice and snow... so.....  until next time!  Sending everyone happy, sunny thoughts!

See the sidebar to the right for previous, popular posts where you fill find all the info and reviews related to PMLE you could ever want!  And don't forget to read the comments!