For years I've been told by my wonderful hair-biz friends (Jennifer @ Phyto Salon "Vertu" and Jackie @ Aveda Salon "Jerry Heston's Salon") about how, not only how great their products are (and they are) but also how important high-quality, professional-grade styling tools are for the protection and wellness of our hair. **Also, I'm a firm believer that taking pre-natal vitamins also did a great service for my hair. Both my colorist (Jackie) and my hair-cutter (Jennifer) noticed a huge improvement in the health of my hair when I became pregnant.**
In an attempt to try to achieve great hair results without spending the big-bucks on a new dryer and straightener, I've been using Phyto's phytodefrisant everyday, and also Phyto 7 Leave-In Creme. I'm trying to grow my hair out, and although these products are awesome, I needed better results. I knew I was going to have to bite the bullet and spend a little dough for some great styling tools!
So, here are my reviews of my two new hair styling gizmos that I seriously think are worth every penny! If nothing else, I am now a true believer that high-quality straighteners and blow dryers are SUPER important and DO make a big difference!
Hair Straightener: GHD IV Professional Styler - Not only does this straightener glide through the hair like silk, never plucking a single strand, it also heats up in less time than it takes to go pee. I'm serious. Literally, give it about 10-15 seconds and BAHM! beep beep beep ... it's HOTT!! There are so so so many benefits to this thing, it's crazy... you'll just have to read about it on the website link. With an ultra shock-resistant shell, auto-shut-off and swivel power cord as just extra little added bonuses, this puppy is a must-have!
Blow Dryer: RUSK Professional 1900 Watt Ceramic Dryer. OK, so I admit that I had been using a travel hair dryer that was less than adequate. This awesome dryer is substantial, but not heavy and very powerful, but not too loud! Love it! Far infrared heat and 1900 watts of power ... sounds great! But I was still skeptical. The box touted silkier, shinier hair in dramatically less drying time ... but I wasn't so sure. Turns out, this dryer made a huge difference in the smoothness, shininess, and volume and texture of my hair. In fact, I've even been blowing out my hair in this extreme humidity and heat the Ohio Valley has been experiencing these past few days! TOTALLY sold on this dryer!
I guess when you become an adult, it might be time to spend more than $19.99 on hair styling electronics! SOLD!