These are pictures from this morning. I went upstairs and brought Connor down, then handed them this HUGE book titled "I Love You, Daddy" and he carried it to Jamie who was still in bed! Too cute!
Jamie and Connor had the night to themselves last night while I went to see a play at Derby Dinner Playhouse to see "Leaving Ladies" with my parents and the rest of our fam (like 13 people!) It was a good time, and Jamie was more than happy to take a pass on theater night to spend some time with Connor and avoid getting a sitter!
Julie and Mike!
Me and Dad!
Another wild table!
My Mom and I
Apparently, they had a big time! They hit up the local PetSmart to get Charlotte some dog food, but spent about an hour there checking out the birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, and cats!! Then they headed to H. H. Gregg to price out the audio equipment for finishing off our home-theater in the basement (OK, so maybe that wasn't TONS of fun for Connor!) BUT, then they headed to Chuck-E-Cheese for some cheese pizza and a few 'rides'. I avoid that place like the plague due to illnesses being spread there .... Jamie assures me he sanitized his hands when they left, but I'm not so sure I believe that. Deal is... if he gets sick, Jamie has to stay home with him at least one day!!! At least they had a good time, though!
Today, we are hopefully going to the pool, but I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate. I'm looking out the window right now and it's still pretty cloudy! We have reservations at Bravos tonight for us, my parents and my sister. Then, we plan on heading to Captain's Quarters for a couple of hours sans-baby while Lisa "catches-up" with Connor! Lisa's summer class is over {woot!} so she'll be home for the rest of the summer! She's doing a temp job at my dad's office for a few weeks and then we head to Cali .... so her summer has been packed already!
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